Landing pages are essential assets for turning visitors into customers. They’re the first point of contact when someone clicks on your ad or link, playing a key role in guiding them toward taking action. Whether you're aiming for sign-ups, downloads, or purchases, the design of your landing page will impact your conversion rates.

According to research, the average attention span has declined from 2.5 minutes in 2004 to only 47 seconds in 2023. That means you have less than a minute to capture your audience's interest and convince them to take your desired action.

While copy and calls to action (CTAs) are important, design elements play a crucial role in influencing user behavior when it comes to landing page design for higher conversions. The right combination of a suitable layout, color scheme, and visual hierarchy can create a more intuitive and persuasive experience for your visitors.

Read on to explore our landing page design secrets and how they can increase sign-ups or sales.

What does a high-converting landing page look like?

A high-converting landing page grabs attention and motivates visitors to act. Let’s explore what makes the best-converting landing pages successful.

  • Clear, simple messaging: Your message should be straightforward and easy to understand.

  • Strong value proposition: You should clearly explain what visitors will gain and why it’s valuable to them.

  • Focused CTA: Your CTA should be eye-catching and persuasive enough so visitors quickly understand the next step.

Apart from these key features, aligning design with user intent and business goals is also important.

  • When a landing page's design matches what the user expects based on their search or ad click, it creates a seamless experience that feels relevant. This increases trust and reduces friction.

  • Aligning the design with business goals ensures that every element serves a clear purpose — driving conversions. By blending user needs with business objectives, you create a landing page that not only engages visitors but also delivers results.

Slack landing page

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Landing page design tips for higher conversions

Creating landing pages that convert means focusing on the details. The following tips will help you design a landing page that captures attention and encourages users to take action.

1. Ensure clarity of purpose

When designing your landing page, ensure that it focuses on one clear goal. Avoid cluttering it with unrelated information or links that may distract visitors. Every element on the page should guide users toward your main objective.

Here’s how to make your landing page stand out.

  • Clearly explain what visitors will gain from taking action, highlighting the main benefit upfront.

  • Use simple, straightforward language and visuals to keep the focus sharp.

  • Choose one compelling visual that reinforces your message and draws attention to the CTA.

  • Ensure that all page elements support the main goal, from headlines to buttons to images.

2. Prioritize above-the-fold content

The section of your landing page that’s immediately visible without scrolling, known as “above the fold,” plays a critical role in user engagement. First impressions matter, and visitors often decide within seconds if they’ll stay or leave.

Implement these strategies to make your above-the-fold content impactful.

  • Include a clear headline and subheadline that communicate the key value proposition right away.

  • Position your CTA prominently, ensuring that it’s easily visible and accessible.

  • Use an eye-catching hero image or video that visually reinforces your offer.

  • Keep the design clean and focused, limiting distractions so users immediately understand what action to take.

3. Establish a visual hierarchy

A strategic visual hierarchy directs users’ attention to the essential elements, making the value proposition stand out. Without this clear direction, users might get disoriented and leave the page.

Consider these ideas to improve your landing page’s visual hierarchy.

  • Use larger fonts for headlines and key messages. Smaller fonts can be used for secondary details, but avoid making them too tiny.

  • Apply a high contrast between text and background. Bright or bold colors can be used for CTAs, while more muted tones can be used for less critical information.

  • Use visual cues like arrows or icons to direct users' attention. These elements can guide them to your most important sections or actions.

SME quote on the importance of visual hierarchy

4. Optimize your CTAs

Focus on your CTAs to make your landing page a conversion magnet. An ideally positioned and visually appealing CTA button can make a huge difference.

However, a CTA is only part of the equation. Its success depends on the right placement, color, and wording.

Keep these tips in mind to design CTAs that convert.

  • Place your CTA where it's most likely to be seen (such as above the fold or at the end of a compelling section), making sure that it's visible without scrolling.

  • Ensure that your CTA is large enough to be easily clickable but not so large that it overwhelms the page. It should be noticeable but still aesthetically pleasing.

  • A/B test varying CTA text, colors, and positions to see which configurations lead to a website that converts.

5. Leverage semiotics

Visual elements can send hidden messages and influence visitor behavior. Colors, typography, iconography, the use of whitespace, and layout structure have certain psychological effects that evoke emotional responses in users.

Here are some key aspects to consider.

  • Choose readable fonts and clear icons to help visitors navigate your page.

  • Keep the page uncluttered so visitors can easily focus on the key elements. Use imagery that resonates with your target audience to create an emotional connection and reinforce your message.

  • Always use colors that create the right feelings to encourage actions.

Colors and the emotions they evoke

6. Include trust elements

Features like testimonials, reviews, badges, and certifications build credibility and make your brand look more trustworthy. When people see positive feedback or recognize trusted symbols, they feel more confident about choosing your product or service.

Here’s how to use these features to build more trust on your landing page.

  • Feature quotes from satisfied customers to build trust, ensuring they’re genuine and relevant.

  • Add security symbols like padlocks or SSL certificates to show that your site is secure.

  • Include badges from well-known organizations or industry certifications. These logos reassure visitors about your business’s legitimacy.

  • If your business has won any awards, show them off, as this helps boost your company’s reputation.

7. Use consistent branding

Consistent branding throughout your landing page builds trust and reinforces your brand identity, helping visitors feel more confident in your offer. Every design choice should align with your brand’s overall look and feel.

Here’s how to ensure consistent branding in your landing page design.

  • Use your brand’s colors, fonts, and logo to create a cohesive experience.

  • Maintain a tone of voice in your copy that reflects your brand personality, whether formal, casual, or playful.

  • Make sure that the images and icons used fit your brand’s visual identity and reinforce your message.

  • To establish a strong, trustworthy presence, keep your branding consistent across the landing page and all related marketing materials.

8. Ensure mobile responsiveness

A mobile-first approach guarantees that your page is user-friendly and functions perfectly on any screen size. Designing with mobile in mind means you’re not missing out on customers because of a poorly optimized page.

Use these strategies to make your landing page mobile-friendly.

  • Preview and adjust your landing page content for mobile and desktop, ensuring that main elements appear above the fold for both.

  • Hide or adjust the elements that do not add value to the user on mobile.

  • Make buttons and links easily clickable on smaller screens, ensuring that they are large enough and spaced out to avoid accidental clicks.

  • Simplify landing page forms and navigation to make it easier for users to complete actions, avoiding long forms or complicated menus.

Nine high-converting landing page examples

In this section, we’ll show you some of the best landing pages across different industries and explain what makes them stand out.

Simple landing page examples

A landing page's simplicity helps people focus on what you want them to do. Let’s look at some of the best-converting landing pages that succeed by focusing on UX.

Dropbox: Early landing page for lead capture

Dropbox: Early landing page for lead capture

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Why it stands out

  • The landing page's clean, clutter-free layout helps visitors focus on the message.

  • It has minimal distractions so that users can quickly sign up.

  • A simple graphic illustrates the product’s functionality without overwhelming the user.

Basecamp: Minimalist landing page

Basecamp: Minimalist landing page

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Why it stands out

  • The landing page immediately communicates the key benefits of using the tool.

  • The generous white space around elements improves readability and reduces visual clutter.

  • The landing page uses straightforward visuals to explain the product's features.

Evernote: Simple yet persuasive landing page copy

Evernote: Simple yet persuasive landing page copy

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Why it stands out

  • The landing page has a clean design, with ample white space. This helps visitors focus on the main message and CTA without distraction.

  • The hero headline grabs attention right away. It’s short, motivational, and straight to the point.

  • The clarity of the message makes it easy to understand how Evernote simplifies task management.

High-converting product pages

Successful product landing pages are designed to encourage purchases. These landing page examples show how brands achieve high conversions.

Shopify: Engaging landing page

Shopify: Engaging landing page

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Why it stands out

  • The essential elements — the headline, CTA button, and key benefits — are placed to naturally guide the user’s eye down the page.

  • It uses a soft color palette that feels professional, while graphics (coins and the slider) give users a clear and aspirational goal.

  • Offering a "3-day free trial" with no required credit card reduces users' perceived risk.

Apple: Sleek product landing page

Apple: Sleek product landing page

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Why it stands out

  • The uncluttered design focuses on the product, making the key message clear and impactful.

  • High-converting copy like "Pre-order" triggers a sense of urgency and exclusivity.

  • The landing page maintains Apple's signature look, with sleek fonts and high-end visuals that emphasize its identity as a leader in innovation.

Adidas: Clean and stylish landing page

Adidas: Clean and stylish landing page

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Why it stands out

  • The top menu is really easy to use, helping people quickly browse through different products without getting lost.

  • The sneakers are shown in a real-life context, which resonates well with the back-to-school theme. This visual storytelling helps viewers envision how the product fits into their lives.

  • Positioned at the top, the Adidas logo reinforces the brand's reliability and recognition.

Marketing landing page examples

Marketing landing pages aim to convert visitors into leads or customers through offers like free trials, lead magnets, or webinar sign-ups. The goal is to provide value and encourage users to take the next step.

Unbounce: User-centric landing page

Unbounce: User-centric landing page

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Why it stands out

  • The landing page uses eye-catching graphics to make the concept more relatable and humanize the product. The side-by-side illustrations of "Variant A" and "Variant B" provide a clear visual representation of A/B testing.

  • The page layout is balanced, with a mix of text and visuals. It uses white space and visual hierarchy, making the content easy to digest.

  • Unbounce’s landing page examples showcase how bold CTAs and dynamic visuals create a persuasive, conversion-focused experience.

Google: High-impact webinar registration landing page

Google: High-impact webinar registration landing page

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Why it stands out

  • Featuring images of real people builds trust and provides a personal connection — a proven strategy for the best landing pages for conversions.

  • The headline addresses the target audience’s goal to learn from credible sources, positioning Google as a thought leader.

  • The offer of continuous learning through online events addresses users who want to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices.

Mailchimp: Intuitive landing page

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Why it stands out

  • The headline quickly communicates the main benefit.

  • The yellow CTA button “Get started” is bold and hard to miss, encouraging immediate action.

  • The landing page features the “GDPR Friendly Tools” badge, which builds trust and credibility, particularly for businesses concerned about data privacy.

Three high-converting landing page templates

Templates save time by providing a pre-designed layout and structure. Instead of starting from scratch, you can quickly customize the content to suit your needs, accelerating your campaigns' launch.

We’ve put together some top-performing landing page templates for different industries that can help you save time while maintaining high performance.

1. Software as a service (SaaS)

Software as a service (SaaS) landing page template

Download template

2. E-commerce

E-commerce landing page template

Download template

3. Service-based businesses

Service-based businesses landing page template

Download template

How to find high-performing landing pages

Whether checking out what your competitors are doing or browsing design inspiration sites, there are plenty of ways to find those high-performing landing pages. Here’s a rundown of the best tools and tactics to discover landing pages that drive conversions.

  • Landing page design galleries: Check out design platforms like Lapa Ninja and Land-book for inspiration. These galleries feature high-performing landing pages with various styles and layouts where you can discover new ideas for your own page.

  • Competitor analysis: Use platforms like SimilarWeb and Ahrefs to study your competitors’ landing pages. This competitive analysis can reveal effective strategies and help you understand what works well in your industry.

  • Conversion rate optimization case studies: These can help you understand which strategies drive the best results.

  • User behavior tools: Leverage tools like Hotjar or Crazy Egg to track user behavior on your landing page.

🕵️ A/B testing can help you find the best version of your landing page. This method reveals which design or content tweaks improve performance and increase conversions.

📊 Remember to always keep an eye on metrics like bounce rate, conversion rate, and session duration. These metrics are your best friends for determining how well your landing page performs and where you can improve.

Landing page design has never been easier

Optimize your landing page design for higher conversions by focusing on clear messaging, compelling visuals, and a user-friendly layout that guides visitors toward taking action. A poorly designed page can lead to confusion and high bounce rates, undermining your efforts.

Dive into analytics, embrace A/B testing, and let the numbers guide your design decisions. Incorporate semiotic principles to create meaningful connections, and prioritize UX to keep visitors engaged.

Ready to create landing pages that convert? Explore our brand-new platform for easy landing page design. Our tools combine data-driven insights with user-friendly features to help you build pages that drive results.